IIT People Search

Viola Folli

Affiliated Researcher
Nanotechnologies for Neurosciences
Research center

I am interested in how neural circuits encode environmental cues to produce behavioral responses. I use the nematode C. elegans as a model organism to study neural network dynamics and brain functioning. Keywords of my activity are neural networks, connectivity, whole-brain activity, and sensory stimulation. My research takes advantage from the complementary use of numerical, theoretical, and experimental approaches in an interdisciplinary framework based on calcium imaging microscopy and behavioral recordings, microfluidics, molecular biology, transcriptomics, and novel whole-brain and single-neuron modeling.


Title: PhD in physics, "Nonlinear Optics and Laser Emission through Random Media"
Institute: "Sapienza" University of Rome
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 2008 To: 2011

All Publications
Gosti G., Milanetti E., Folli V., de Pasquale F., Leonetti M., Corbetta M., Ruocco G., Della Penna S.
A recurrent Hopfield network for estimating meso-scale effective connectivity in MEG
Neural Networks, vol. 170, pp. 72-93
Miotto M., Rosito M., Paoluzzi M., de Turris V., Folli V., Leonetti M., Ruocco G., Rosa A., Gosti G.
Collective behavior and self-organization in neural rosette morphogenesis
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, vol. 11
Nicoletti M., Luchetti N., Chiodo L., Loppini A., Folli V., Ruocco G., Filippi S.
Modeling of olfactory transduction in AWCON neuron via coupled electrical-calcium dynamics
Biomolecular Concepts, vol. 14, (no. 1)
Di Rocco M., Galosi S., Follo F.C., Lanza E., Folli V., Martire A., Leuzzi V., Martinelli S.
Phenotypic Assessment of Pathogenic Variants in GNAO1 and Response to Caffeine in C. elegans Models of the Disease
Genes, vol. 14, (no. 2)
Pannone L., Muto V., Nardecchia F., Di Rocco M., Marchei E., Tosato F., Petrini S., Onorato G., Lanza E., Bertuccini L., Manti F., Folli V., Galosi S., Di Schiavi E., Leuzzi V., Tartaglia M., Martinelli S.
The recurrent pathogenic Pro890Leu substitution in CLTC causes a generalized defect in synaptic transmission in Caenorhabditis elegans
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, vol. 16